Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956), Director, Savitri Era Learning Forum (2005), Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006), and President, Savitri Era Party (2007)
I don't think will mind if I share that we've been emailing recently to hash out Whitehead re-imagination of the logical proposition/propositional feeling.
What is truth, in a Whiteheadian cosmos? /1
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truth's relevance to finite creaturely life. What a proposition might be or mean out of relation to the experience now occurring, I cannot even begin to say. I have trouble imagining truth independent of any appearance-to-a-subject. /3
“Reality is just itself, & it is nonsense to ask whether it be true or false. Truth is the conformation of appearance to reality" (Whitehead, AoI, 241).
Propositions function truly or falsely only in reference to the currently concrescing occasion prehending them, which /4
as initiated by and received into divine process is never other than God. And God is ever growing, never the same twice. In his Harvard lectures (1924/5) Whitehead says the realm of ideas “itself alters in its reference to the particular occasions as they flow by” (HL1 74). /5
Whitehead goes on to say the light of realization casts “the shadow of truth” back upon the realm, thus enriching it. In this way, “each fact of realization takes its place as an eternal truth” (HL1 75), thus serving as an explanation of our capacity for conscious memory. /6
There is thus an enrichment of God's eternal envisagement by natural occurrences, such that truth is growing ever at the edges as novel propositions feel their way toward that ultimate satisfaction that would integrate truth, beauty, & goodness. /7
He has way too essentialist a few of "the eternal Western canon," which I'd want to planetize. I agree markets have a role in economic life, but I reject the silly idea that "free markets" automatically elevate the highest values. Markets know one value: profit, & thus need be
checked by other spheres, both the political (which protects individual rights) & cultural (which cultivates individual freedoms). The economic sphere/market cannot be allowed to rule over the other two, which is what capitalism is (ie, laws are bought; culture commodified).
There's no reason we can't have physics and soul at the same time, . Just requires a bit more imagination. Dawkins’ scientism is so fervently monotheistic!
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But what are the origins of religion? Not tradition, clearly, but some sort of momentously transformative moral insight or mystical experience that erupts like hot magma from the core of our being and then, yes, subsequently cools into the hard rock of traditional dogma.
To expand slightly on Dawkins' argument in this op-ed, it's a textbook example of how monotheistic conceptions of truth have migrated into the imaginary of modern scientific materialism. While the explicit content of Dawkins' atheistic worldview seems like the exact opposite /1
of theistic creationism, the epistemic form and emotional structure of his belief system is nearly identical.
I do not mean to suggest that natural science is just another way of knowing, that its truths are just as culturally relative as any other. Of course not!
Modern techno-science is a uniquely powerful technique responsible for such world-changing discoveries as nuclear energy (& bombs), microprocessors, & heart transplants, etc. But this in no way invalidates the properly contextualized claims of indigenous ecological knowledges.
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Sri Aurobindo offers a clear & detailed portrayal of spiritual evolution. The Metahuman is already upon us, with Artificial Intelligence, robotics & cybernetics.
Supramentalisation is thus a bio-spiritual necessity for the very survival of the species.
#SriAurobindo held that the Absolute, or the Satchidananda Parabrahman of the Vedas and Upanishads, was itself involved in what we experience as the universe, writes
Hidden in the heart of matter is a divine impulse seeking to manifest more and more fully through evolution, writes #SriAurobindo